Cupcake Day is the RSPCA’s sweetest annual fundraising drive, where we bake for a cause, to raise money for the thousands of animals in care. The RSPCA relies almost entirely on the generosity.
It’s thanks to Cupcake Day participants like ours that the RSPCA can continue helping animals in communities around Australia.
Cupcake Day isn’t just limited to cupcakes, by the way. We get creative and put our baking skills to the test.
All the money raised at our Cupcake Day event will go towards helping the animals who turn to the RSPCA for help. That means our money does a number of crucial things, like keeping the doors to the shelters and veterinary hospitals open, keeping Inspectorate on the road investigating cruelty, providing emergency veterinary care to injured animals, and allowing the RSPCA to prosecute people who have been cruel to animals.
Our support will also be invested into the community education programs, which work to educate the next generation of animal lovers – helping us move towards a future free from animal cruelty by empowering people with knowledge about proper animal care.
Your Cupcake Day fundraising makes a real and sustained difference on the animals in our care.