Frequently asked questions
To access MyGov and confirm your enrolment please either download the app (if you haven’t already done so) and follow the steps outlined in this app quick reference guide or go to the website and use this website quick reference guide
As you would be aware, on 2 July we transitioned to the Government’s new Child Care Subsidy (CCS) funding arrangement. You may notice some differences with your statements and charges.
Q1: Have the fees for KDK changed?
A: The cost to attend KDK has not changed, however your family’s CCS entitlements may not be the same as they were through the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and the Child Care Rebate (CCR), which may result in a different out of pocket expense for your family.
Q2: How will the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) be paid?
A: CCS will be paid directly to KDK and we will pass this onto families as fee reductions. Families will pay KDK the difference between the subsidy and fee charged. Families will need to complete an assessment for CCS when (or before) each child starts attending care.
Q3: What is a CWA?
A: Under the Government’s new CCS funding arrangement, a Complying Written Arrangement (CWA) is an ongoing agreement between an Early Childhood Education Centre (ECEC) service provider and a Parent/Guardian, to provide care in return for fees. A CWA is required to access CCS funding. You can view the status of your CWA via your myGov account.
Q4: Why am I being charged full fees?
A: There are a number of reasons a family might be charged full fees:
- You have not started or fully completed your myGov assessment
- You have declined to accept your CWA in myGov
- Your household income is above $350 000 and are not entitled to CCS
Q5: I haven’t had an opportunity to complete the myGov assessment, will I be charged full fees?
A: Yes, you must complete your myGov assessment in order to access CCS entitlements. If you have an incomplete assessment please ensure that you:
- Link your Centrelink account with your myGov account
- Provide the correct CRN & DOB for both you and your child.
- Ensure the correct parent/ guardian is the Account holder
Q6: I have been charged full fees, can this be reversed when I have completed by CCS eligibility through myGov?
A: Yes, CCS eligibility can be backdated up to 28 days prior to the date the parent’s CCS assessment was lodged or 2 July 2018, whichever is the later.
Any entitled fee changes will be applied and shown on the following statement.
Q7: My CWA has a Pending status, what do I need to do?
A: A CWA with a Pending Eligibility or Pending Confirmation status requires the you to log on to your myGov account to complete your assessment. Once you have completed your assessment, CCS will be backdated to start of your CCS enrolment.
Until this is done, you will be charged full fees.
Q8: My CWA has a disputed status, what do I need to do?
A: KDK will resubmit your CWA and you will then need to confirm your details via your myGov account. However, until this is done you will be charged full fees.
Q9: My CWA has a rejected status, what do I need to do?
A: If you rejected your CWA in error, contact our Accounts on 0402421570 so we can resubmit the CWA. You will then need to confirm your details in your myGov account. Until this is done you will be charged full fees.
KDK provides a wealth of programming choice, individually tailored to meet the expectations of schools and families. This tailored approach maximises the suitability and engagement of what we are delivering to children, families and the school
Using our online database of more than 2,000 structured, educational activities, combined with our programming tools, our service Coordinators select activities and prepare/publish a Weekly Activity Plan. The online system provides directives that all Coordinators follow, but it also allows for service-specific tailoring. This ensures that the Coordinator has enough flexibility to provide activities that the children really want. The service Coordinator includes the children’s ideas in programming as well, giving children ownership of their service.
Our comprehensive play spaces and choices for children include:
- Art and craft area
- Construction area – includes Lego, wooden blocks, marble run
- Dramatic play, dress-up area
- Board games area
- Quiet area – includes bean bags and large cushions and books
- Homework area
KDK provides support and development opportunities for our team members, helping them to achieve formal qualifications by providing mentoring and study leave. We also pay team members to attend internal training courses, as well as covering the costs of most of the courses offered.
KDK team members are qualified as per National Quality Framework and Legislated regulations and have demonstrated experience in working at KDK Kids First.
All team members employed by KDK must provide the appropriate security checks before they are accepted. On employment, all team members must provide a copy of a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC), which we verify through the Department of Justice website.
To make a booking simply enrol online and once you have entered all your details you can book the sessions you need. You will need a valid credit card or bank account for direct debit.
Once you are enrolled most of your bookings should be made online. Online bookings can be made up until the day before the session you are trying to book. To book a session on the same day as the session, please call your program coordinator0402421570 on 1300 612 462.
KDK caters for all children – including those with special needs, medical conditions or allergies.
Each medical condition is dealt with individually, with management plans developed for all allergies.
For before and after school care sessions we provide a healthy, tasty and nutritious selection of food for breakfast and afternoon tea.
The selection of breakfast food includes low-sugar cereals, wholemeal toast, water and fresh milk/soy milk, as well as daily selections such as pancakes, French toast, English muffins, fresh fruit and yoghurt.
The selection of afternoon tea food includes fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh milk/soy milk, and daily selections such as yoghurt, dried fruit, cheese, crackers, bread, sandwiches, soup, dips, pancakes, crumpets and water.
We actively encourage feedback. KDK have a feedback or suggestion book, however we encourage direct dialogue with program coordinator and our staff. We also conduct a formal parent survey on a twice-yearly basis and use that information to ensure we are delivering on our promises.
We understand that in emergency situations you may be running late. We try and balance the needs of our families and the needs of our dedicated staff and therefore, Children collected after the closing time may be charged a late pick up fee.
Some parents/guardians require regular sessions of care for their child/ren and can book these simply as a weekly or fortnightly pattern by following the steps outlined in this quick reference guide. This is classed as a permanent or recurring booking and this information must be confirmed through your MyGov account to ensure you receive the correct Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to avoid paying full fees for your child(s) attendances.
Other parents may only want an occasional session of care with no regular days required. This information is also provided to MyGov however there are no booking patterns that are required to be confirmed.